$749.00 USD

3 monthly payments

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Surface Pattern Design Studio: 3 Payment Option

It's your turn...and your time...to learn a wonderful skill set that can lead to a new career, side gig or hobby. 2024 is here---are you ready for some big changes? You've got this!

What you'll get:

  • 8 modules with dozens of videos, worksheets and instructions
  • 3 valuable bonuses that will boost everything that you learn in this course
  • plenty of support in an intimate environment. Enrollment is limited to a small number of students.

On your credit card statement, you will see the payments billed to "Ruby Red Skipper", which is my linens company.

What People Are Saying:

I had zero art training and had never touched Adobe Illustrator prior to being in Jenna's beta test group for this course. She broke things down in such a simple, easy to understand manner that I was able to progress through the modules without any problems....and I work a full time job. I completed a collection and I am now selling my products on print-on-demand sites. The best part? I've taken my kids' sketches, digitized them, and put the art on their own t-shirts and backpacks!

Elizabeth Costello